Wednesday, March 31, 2010

does using cuss words make you more alternative?

the other day, while walking around downtown between my classes, i passed a 20 something mother other holding her very young child's hand. she was talking to a man who seemed to be about the same age as she was. both the man and woman were both throwing fuck bombs left and right along with other less offensive profanities.
i was pretty shocked that this mother would allow someone to talk to her like that with such young ears present let alone use that type of language herself.

it got me thinking that maybe swearing is a way of people to voice their status as authentic individuals. it made me ask myself if swearing makes u more or less alt.

seems like alot of alt kids use cuss words to show off their high level of 'badass.' although it might make them seem less intelligent, maybe they think that intelligence some how lowers their status as a social hardass.

seems like most of the real poets in music today don't feel the need to curse in their lyrics as much as the less significant artists who swear in every line of their poorly written songs.

seems like alot of people use curse words as adjectives/verbs because they don't know enough non-curse-word adjective/verbs to describe their story/situation.

i remember in middle school when i would see bands giving the finger, saying 'fuck the system' and i thought it was the most authentic and most badass thing imaginable to do as a person who have so many eyes following them all the time.


do you know enough words from webster's dictionary to avoid swearing all the time?
do you still swear even though you have memorized webster's?
does giving the finger still a badass thing to do?
do you voice your badass level through your actions instead of your vocabulary?
do you give a shit or think swearing is fucking tight?