Friday, January 15, 2010

xpressing ur personality through ur personal brand

we all want 2 make an xpression about ourselves in the way we look and act. wether ur a mainstream or alt bro. the way u choose to look makes a statement about what type of a person u r.

driving round town with ur window down while listening 2 music at extreme volumes 2 show off my obscure music tastes
"i rock out 2 music in my car with the top down cus you need 2 know i'm listening 2 a band u have never heard of"

wearing zildjian/fender/gibson/epiphone etc... tees everyday 2 let people know u r a musician
"need everyone 2 know i have a dusty drum kit in my basement that i play once a year"

using starbucks/bigby coffee 2 make a statement about my expensive tastes in mediocre blended coffee drinks
"need all u poors to realize that i have the money 2 drink starbucks everyday, even though i sometimes have trouble finding the straw with my mouth"

wearing neon colored graphic tees with shutter shades 2 express your love for dance/electro/hip-hip culture
"i bought this shirt last time i saw girl talk in concert. smells like sweat, e, and getting felt up in the pit"

the skeleton tee bro. makes u feel like you have radon poisoning that turned ur bones green.
"i bought this shirt in the 8th grade for an ironic halloween outfit but now i wear it in my everyday life because it fits in with my growing personal brand."

distracting multi colored nike shoes as a way 2 make ur black skinny jeans and white v-neck tee outfit more vivid and noticeable
"if it weren't for these zany shoes i would look just like all u other hipsters. just want 2 stand out among the crowd"

using accessories such as an acoustic guitar 2 show off ur sensitivity and chill personality
"i wear this guitar everywhere i go because at any moment i could get inspiration 2 write a meaningful song about the beach or my california life style"

what r ur favorite ways of expressing ur personality?
how much do u pay for blended coffee drinks"
do u have see though skin so i can look at ur bones?
does e make u a better dancer?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

so far so neutral

so far the new years been like the last one. same wants, same likes, same dislikes.
feel like being alive for two decades now doesn't mean a thing. feel like changing my personal brand when i'm already ok with what i am. feel like staying what i am when i crave to be something different.

"do you ever wish you were somebody else?"

don't think i could ever trade my soul for gold.

met some yesses. feeling indifferent. not sure the best way to go about things.

"i am jet black, to the center" feeling unadaptive and cold to what my personality should reflect (me (as a human)(afterall))

feel like i am just acting a certain way because i don't know how to be myself. one of my new years resolutions was to be myself. but i, as myslef, don't talk to people. feel like my new years resolutions should be to 'be anything but myself.'
think with a resolution like that that i would meet more yesses, get better grades, write more authentic music, and be a better bro. never know who i am really. do u?

feeling lost among a world of "dont do this!" and "do that!" feel like creating an alter ego. keep the regular me for my family and close friends but bring out the handsome, dashing, cunning, outgoing, mustached alter ego when i leave home. feel like that would be in my best interest.

did i steal this from michael cera?
when you meet people, do you remember their names?
do you ever think about being someone completely different?
are you jet black?
would you trade your soul for gold?
what's your worth?

beer does interesting things