Sunday, November 22, 2009

Eeeee Eee Eeee

thought i would try something different. I Finished reading this book and thought it would be cool to write a book review.


The book is called Eeee Eee Eeee and it's written by young alt author Tao Lin (the title is apparently the sound a dolphin makes when feeling alone, confused, or awkward). Tao is a somewhat successful author who is well known for his blog, Reader of Depressing Books and his poetry readings. His writing style is strange and hard to follow but is very funny and captivating.

Eeeee Eee Eeee is about Andrew, a twenty some year old post college kid who works at Dominos and recently moved from New York back to his home in Florida. Throughout the book he has interactions with talking animals such as dolphins, moose, bears (who like to put blankets over other animals heads when feeling threatened or annoyed), a hamster, and an alien. Andrew doesn't seem to like anything but being depressed, independent movies, and a girl named Sara who dumped him.
The plot is weird and slow but not boring. It's almost like there is no story to be told at all but it is still incredibly entertaining to read. It frequently jumps from present tense to past and sometimes goes into the lives of characters that don't have much to do with the story at all.
Overall a good read, not life changing or inspiring, just a good book to read to occupy some extra time.

rating: 3.5 out of 5


  1. Honesty random question; do you identify with the character by any chance? in some ways but not in others? not at all?

  2. sort of. not in many ways though. i can relate to him because he doesn't feel connected to most things that the average person does, but mostly he feels depressed but doesn't do anything to deal with it. he just does the dame old things that cause his depression while alienating the people close to him which just makes it worse. i don't relate to that aspect.
