Tuesday, May 18, 2010

7 year old detroit girl killed in police raid

there's a story that's been talked about for the last couple of days on local michigan news broadcasts that has really upset me.

while searching for a murder suspect, a swat team entered a detroit home. while confronting the owners of the home, things got ugly. when the occupants of the house wouldn't comply and police had to use force to carry out their search warrant. when a scuffle broke out, one of police officers guns went off and killed a young 7 year old girl who was sleeping on the couch.

usually, i am not a fan of cops because they break up parties and things that aren't causing any harm. but i think if you are hiding a murderer in your home, complying with police is the only reasonable thing to do.

now the neighborhood of the family is getting all agro because the girl "was killed by those who were sworn to protect us." if that's how the community feels, than why the hell would you prevent the police from catching someone who actually committed a murder, on purpose? seems like if you want them to serve and protect, then you would let them do their job during a homicide investigation.

i think what happened is terrible and i feel awful and very sympathetic towards the family. no parents should have to go through this. but maybe next time don't hide murderers in your home.

detroit sucks

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

does using cuss words make you more alternative?

the other day, while walking around downtown between my classes, i passed a 20 something mother other holding her very young child's hand. she was talking to a man who seemed to be about the same age as she was. both the man and woman were both throwing fuck bombs left and right along with other less offensive profanities.
i was pretty shocked that this mother would allow someone to talk to her like that with such young ears present let alone use that type of language herself.

it got me thinking that maybe swearing is a way of people to voice their status as authentic individuals. it made me ask myself if swearing makes u more or less alt.

seems like alot of alt kids use cuss words to show off their high level of 'badass.' although it might make them seem less intelligent, maybe they think that intelligence some how lowers their status as a social hardass.

seems like most of the real poets in music today don't feel the need to curse in their lyrics as much as the less significant artists who swear in every line of their poorly written songs.

seems like alot of people use curse words as adjectives/verbs because they don't know enough non-curse-word adjective/verbs to describe their story/situation.

i remember in middle school when i would see bands giving the finger, saying 'fuck the system' and i thought it was the most authentic and most badass thing imaginable to do as a person who have so many eyes following them all the time.


do you know enough words from webster's dictionary to avoid swearing all the time?
do you still swear even though you have memorized webster's?
does giving the finger still a badass thing to do?
do you voice your badass level through your actions instead of your vocabulary?
do you give a shit or think swearing is fucking tight?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

r u as terrified of public transportation as i am?

seems like every other day there's a new viral video floating around the web of a subway/bus/train fight. glad i have a car and live in a city where i don't have a real need 2 take the bus 2 work/class. feel fortunate that i can afford a car.

i always thought living in a large city where i would need 2 take the bus or the train everyday would b cool, fun and authentic. but all these assholes duking it out on the bus have really make me think twice.

the latest vid floating around.

think this old man was in the right and just defending himself or was he just some racist getting antsy 2 throw down some hurt on a black bro?

it's not just physical confrontation in a public venue that makes me nervous about public transportation but also feeling like i'm on display. feel like there's nothing to do in a bus but look at the people around u and judge the shit out of them.
also feel like the bus/train is a good place for loud classless people to hit on yeses at annoyingly loud volumes.

this woman is getting eye fucked hard.

feel surrounded sometimes, like i would suffocate 2 death if 1 more person steps on this train. what would u do if the last thing you saw was the inside of a subway train and a bunch of people who smell like piss, vomit, alcohol, and natural bod odor?
feel like this zany character and talk to myself in my head with alot of reverb.

think waiting underground for a train in the subway station is one of the most depressing places on the planet. always makes me feel like a poor. h8 the dirty, damp, trapped feeling of being underneath the streets.
these places make me feel like a gerbil or a rat crawling through the tubes in its cage.

is it more authentic for alts 2 ride the bus/train, or 2 ride their fixies around?
never seem 2 find alt yeses on the bus. just see a lot of old poors or women in pants with stretchy elastic waistbands. think attractive women have ways of teleporting 2 their destinations since i rarely see them driving/riding anywhere.

does public transportation make u nervous?
do boats count as public transportation in Venice?
do u ride the bus just to have a chance to fight someone?
do u wish everywhere u had 2 go was within biking distance?

Monday, February 1, 2010

is taxidermy a growing trend among violent alts?

what r your feelings on animal cruelty? do u eat animals even though u have pets?

apparently, 23 yr old san antonio, texas native, sarah rodriguez feels so connected with animals that she honestly believes she is a werewolf. she goes by the name wolfie blackheart and even walks around town with a prosthetic tail on her azz.


trying 2 picture wolfie's mom banging a real wolf in order to give birth 2 a werewolf

wondering if her shirt comes off when she morphs in2 her wolf form like they do in modern vampire/werewolf movies

this grls problems extend far beyond believing she is some type of impossible creature. she has been accused by police of decapitating a neighbors dog and boiling its head az some sort of zany mad science taxidermy experiment. police and specialists r currently studying the dogs dead bod in order 2 find out if it was dead before she chopped its head off or if wolfie killed it.

wolfie's mom claims that when wolfie was young, she was in a car accident and hit her head resulting in mild tourettes syndrome. now she yips like a dog uncontrollably.

think the accident did more than that considering her mizunderstanding of the human anatomy and sexual reproduction possibilities

think twilight would've been kewl if there was a 1 on 1 scuffle between these 2




wolfie was interviewed by some texas news station and said, "I didn't kill any animal. ...i'd be more likely to hurt a human than an animal any day."

makes me nervous about what she does 2 dogs if she loves them as much as she says she does. think if she found a dead human she would boil the dead bro's head 2 hang it on her wall?

think i would b more comfortable with this grl behind bars.


this is rigsby, the dead dog that started the whole debate. wondering if he cares about the whole thing. wondering if dogs care about anything.

do u think people should stick to trendy wolf tees 2 express their love for wolf culture?

is taxidermy becoming a popular trend among alts?

is wolfie a creepy violent yes?

r u scared to wander the woods under a full moon?


does our prez, barry obama, support wolfie blackheart?

Friday, January 15, 2010

xpressing ur personality through ur personal brand

we all want 2 make an xpression about ourselves in the way we look and act. wether ur a mainstream or alt bro. the way u choose to look makes a statement about what type of a person u r.

driving round town with ur window down while listening 2 music at extreme volumes 2 show off my obscure music tastes
"i rock out 2 music in my car with the top down cus you need 2 know i'm listening 2 a band u have never heard of"

wearing zildjian/fender/gibson/epiphone etc... tees everyday 2 let people know u r a musician
"need everyone 2 know i have a dusty drum kit in my basement that i play once a year"

using starbucks/bigby coffee 2 make a statement about my expensive tastes in mediocre blended coffee drinks
"need all u poors to realize that i have the money 2 drink starbucks everyday, even though i sometimes have trouble finding the straw with my mouth"

wearing neon colored graphic tees with shutter shades 2 express your love for dance/electro/hip-hip culture
"i bought this shirt last time i saw girl talk in concert. smells like sweat, e, and getting felt up in the pit"

the skeleton tee bro. makes u feel like you have radon poisoning that turned ur bones green.
"i bought this shirt in the 8th grade for an ironic halloween outfit but now i wear it in my everyday life because it fits in with my growing personal brand."

distracting multi colored nike shoes as a way 2 make ur black skinny jeans and white v-neck tee outfit more vivid and noticeable
"if it weren't for these zany shoes i would look just like all u other hipsters. just want 2 stand out among the crowd"

using accessories such as an acoustic guitar 2 show off ur sensitivity and chill personality
"i wear this guitar everywhere i go because at any moment i could get inspiration 2 write a meaningful song about the beach or my california life style"

what r ur favorite ways of expressing ur personality?
how much do u pay for blended coffee drinks"
do u have see though skin so i can look at ur bones?
does e make u a better dancer?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

so far so neutral

so far the new years been like the last one. same wants, same likes, same dislikes.
feel like being alive for two decades now doesn't mean a thing. feel like changing my personal brand when i'm already ok with what i am. feel like staying what i am when i crave to be something different.

"do you ever wish you were somebody else?"

don't think i could ever trade my soul for gold.

met some yesses. feeling indifferent. not sure the best way to go about things.

"i am jet black, to the center" feeling unadaptive and cold to what my personality should reflect (me (as a human)(afterall))

feel like i am just acting a certain way because i don't know how to be myself. one of my new years resolutions was to be myself. but i, as myslef, don't talk to people. feel like my new years resolutions should be to 'be anything but myself.'
think with a resolution like that that i would meet more yesses, get better grades, write more authentic music, and be a better bro. never know who i am really. do u?

feeling lost among a world of "dont do this!" and "do that!" feel like creating an alter ego. keep the regular me for my family and close friends but bring out the handsome, dashing, cunning, outgoing, mustached alter ego when i leave home. feel like that would be in my best interest.

did i steal this from michael cera?
when you meet people, do you remember their names?
do you ever think about being someone completely different?
are you jet black?
would you trade your soul for gold?
what's your worth?

beer does interesting things